Posts Tagged ‘internet’


Social Networks On The Decline

February 7, 2008

Okay so I lied. The good post didn’t come on Monday. It didn’t come on Tuesday either. You poor saps had to wait until Wednesday night for something half decent. I also apologize for the last few posts being weak in quality as well as quantity. I’ve been swamped, but I’ve got a few ideas in the works. Lo siento?

…man, my Spanish really is tanking fast.


So apparently social networks like MySpace and Facebook are on the decline. Is this an early sign of the end of social networks? What does this mean for the global community, and the global economy? Social networks changed the world. Will their recession change it even more?

The first thing that might happen is that the popularity of the networks levels out. MySpace will still have a lot of visitors, just not as many as it has now. The novelty of the sites will wear off, and they will reach an equilibrium. This is what we should be hoping for, if we want to retain our sanity and our pocketbooks.

On the other hand, social networks could flop completely. People are getting bored with the networks. They are, after all, little more than an extension of daily conversation for most people, something AIM can more than take care of. In addition, as people age they are less and less tolerant of the stupid two word bulletins, the obnoxious profiles, and the overwhelming number of middle schoolers. The cool factor is wearing off. It might not be long before it’s just another minor detail on the massive canvas that is the internet. Or they could all just go the way of Friendster.

I wonder what the implications would be? Your guess is as good as mine. I’d elaborate, but I’ve got some Chinese fire lizard wranglin’ to do.